Rochester Castle

As part of the new multi-sensory interpretation at Rochester Castle, AVM Curiosities are proud to present an olfactory experience of the 11th century.

From early September 2023, this impressive Norman fortress will be brought to life with a series of scent chambers designed by AVM Curiosities, in collaboration with Adrian Reynolds, CPL Aromas and Aroma Prime.

The bespoke olfactory displays will be installed on a permanent basis in The Food Store, The Chapel and The Cess Pit – each offering an aromatic insight into medieval life.

While the malodorous Cess Pit aroma might not be to everyone’s taste, The Chapel scent was based on an incense recipe from 1088 and offers a pleasant trip back in time to experience the smells of an 11th century church.

The scent chambers are included in the price of general admission and are available to smell now.

Medieval Scent Chambers
Scent Design by AVM Curiosities
Metalwork by Adrian Reynolds
Rochester Castle | Rochester
Permanent display.

For more information please click here.